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C – “Cabrelli – Cuthill”

Cabrelli Ida St Mary’s Presentee 1934
Cadden Kevin Grange Presentee 1997
Cadger Adam Deanburn Presentee 2016
Cadman Isla Deanburn Lady in Waiting 2014, Flower Girl 2015
Cafferty Betty Kinneil Flower Girl 1938
Cafferty Jean Grange Presentee 1951
Cafferty Julia Kinneil Fairy 1934
Cafferty Mary Grange Fairy 1958
Cain Agnes St Mary’s Flower Girl 1946
Cain Elaine Kinneil Flower Girl 1954
Cain Eleanor Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1950
Cain James Deanburn Presentee 1974
Cain Linda Kinneil Flower Girl 1960
Cain Rosalyne Kinneil Presentee 1957
Cains Robert Public Lord in Waiting 2002
Cairns Caitlin Deanburn Fairy 2006, Flower Girl 2010
Cairns Chloe Deanburn Flower Girl 2012
Cairns Christopher Kinneil Queen’s Knight 1990
Cairns Graham Kinneil Presentee 1977
Cairns Jordan Deanburn Fairy 2007, Flower Girl 2011
Cairns Lee Anne Grange Presentee 1983, Flower Girl 1987, Presentee 1988
Cairns Lyn Kinneil Fairy 1981
Cairns Morgan Deanburn Fairy 2016
Cairns Nan Borrowstoun, Public Flower Girl 1934, Maid of Honour 1936
Cairns Riett Kinneil Fairy 1982, Chief Lady in Waiting 1985
Cairns Samantha Kinneil Flower Girl 1987
Calder Adelle Deanburn Presentee 2006, Flower Girl 2008
Calder Jan Kinneil Flower Girl 1983
Calder Lisa Deanburn Presentee 1978, Flower Girl 1981
Calder Marjory Academy Lady in Waiting 1959
Calder Nathan Deanburn Presentee 2010
Calder Olivia Deanburn Fairy 2008, Presentee 2010
Calder Stuart Deanburn Presentee 2004
Calderwood Catherine St Mary’s Fairy 1948, Flower Girl 1950
Calderwood Irene Public Lady in Waiting 1957
Calderwood John St Mary’s Presentee 1956
Calderwood Marion Kinneil Presentee 1934
Calderwood Mary St Mary’s Maid of Honour 1948
Caldow Gail Grange Presentee 1983
Caldwell George Kinneil Presentee 1956
Caldwell William Blackness Presentee 1952
Callachan Danni St Mary’s Fairy 2001, Presentee 2002, Presentee 2003
Callachan Kerry St Mary’s Fairy 2003, Presentee 2004, Presentee 2007, Chief Lady in Waiting 2008
Callachan Leigh St Mary’s Fairy 2006, Presentee 2007, Presentee 2012
Callachan Megan St Mary’s Fairy 1998, Flower Girl 2000, Queen 2003, Ex-Queen 2004
Callaghan Judith Public Lady in Waiting 1967
Callander Anne Grange Flower Girl 1965
Callander Fiona Grange Presentee 1966, Fairy 1969
Callander Graham Grange Presentee 1975
Calvert Hayley Grange Presentee 2008
Calvert Maya Grange Fairy 2007, Presentee 2010, Lady in Waiting 2011
Cameron Agnes Borrowstoun Fairy 1938
Cameron Andrew St Mary’s Presentee 2015
Cameron Annette Academy Flower Girl 1952
Cameron Annie Kinneil Maid of Honour 1920
Cameron Beverley Deanburn Presentee 1992, Maid of Honour 1994
Cameron Carol Ann St Mary’s Fairy 1977
Cameron Claire Kinneil Fairy 1983
Cameron Donna Deanburn Maid of Honour 1984
Cameron Donna Kinneil Queen 1970, Ex Queen 1971
Cameron Donna St Mary’s Fairy 1980
Cameron Elizabeth St Mary’s Flower Girl 1974, Flower Girl 1976, Lady in Waiting 1978
Cameron Glenda Kinneil Fairy 1970
Cameron Grace Grange Flower Girl 1938
Cameron Graham Kinneil Presentee 2004
Cameron Gregor Deanburn Presentee 1980
Cameron Hazel Kinneil Flower Girl 1992
Cameron Helene Kinneil, Academy Presentee1959, Fairy 1965
Cameron Irene Academy Flower Girl 1948
Cameron Jonathan Deanburn Presentee 1995
Cameron Julie St Mary’s Fairy 1979, Flower Girl 1980, Flower Girl 1982
Cameron Katrina Kinneil Presentee 1973
Cameron Leona Kinneil Fairy 1968
Cameron Linda St Mary’s Fairy 1974, Flower Girl 1977
Cameron Lorna Kinneil Fairy 1968
Cameron Louis Kinneil Presentee 2016
Cameron Madge St Mary’s Queen of the Flower Girls 1924
Cameron Margaret Public Flower Girl 1936
Cameron Mary Grange Flower Girl 1920
Cameron May St Mary’s Maid of Honour 1924, Flower Girl 1925
Cameron Natasha Deanburn Lady in Waiting 2009
Cameron Pauline St Mary’s Fairy 1972, Presentee 1973, Flower Girl 1975
Cameron Richard Kinneil Presentee 1998
Cameron Sheila Public Flower Girl 1949
Cameron Shenna Academy Fairy 1967
Cameron Zena Kinneil Flower Girl 1965
Campbell Aileen Deanburn Flower Girl 1973
Campbell Alan St Mary’s Presentee 1969
Campbell Amanda Kinneil Fairy 1986
Campbell Anna Borrowstoun Presentee 1950, Fairy 1952
Campbell Annette Kinneil Flower Girl 1973
Campbell Betty Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1949
Campbell Brian Public Presentee 1974
Campbell Carol Anne Kinneil Presentee 1971, Presentee 1975
Campbell Catherine St Mary’s Flower Girl 1978
Campbell Catherine St Mary’s Flower Girl 1946, Lady in Waiting 1948
Campbell Cecilia Academy Fairy 1966
Campbell Chloe Grange Fairy 2007, Flower Girl 2009, Lady in Waiting 2011
Campbell Colin Public Queen’s Page 1972
Campbell Derna Public Flower Girl 1977, Presentee 1980
Campbell Dorothy Kinneil Flower Girl 1969
Campbell Elizabeth Academy Flower Girl 1962
Campbell Elizabeth St Mary’s Flower Girl 1947, Maid of Honour 1948
Campbell Fiona Blackness Presentee 1998, Presentee 1999, Presentee 2000, Presentee 2001, Presentee 2002, Presentee 2003, Presentee 2004
Campbell Gail Blackness Fairy 1971, Presentee 1972, Presentee 1973, Presentee 1974, Presentee 1975
Campbell Gemma Blackness Presentee 1999
Campbell Georgia Deanburn Fairy 2015
Campbell Gordon Grange Queen’s Herald 1961
Campbell Grant Blackness Presentee 1976, Presentee 1977
Campbell Helen Borrowstoun Fairy 1946
Campbell Jacqueline Deanburn Fairy 1977, Lady in Waiting 1979
Campbell James Borrowstoun Yeoman of the Guard 1927
Campbell Janet Public Presentee 1968
Campbell Janice Public Maid of Honour 1972
Campbell Jason Public Lord in Waiting 1982
Campbell Jean Grange Flower Girl 1963
Campbell Jennifer Grange Flower Girl 1988, Presentee 1990
Campbell Katherine Deanburn Fairy 1984
Campbell Kenneth Blackness Presentee 1960
Campbell Kirsty Kinneil Flower Girl 1995
Campbell Kyle Public Presentee 2005
Campbell Laura Blackness Fairy 1996, Presentee 1997, Presentee 1998, Presentee 2001
Campbell Laura Deanburn Fairy 1989
Campbell Laura Kinneil Presentee 1988, Flower Girl 1990
Campbell Lee Grange Presentee 1983
Campbell Lesley Deanburn Presentee 1977, Presentee 1979
Campbell Linda Public Presentee 1965, Fairy 1967
Campbell Lorna Public Flower Girl 1991, Maid of Honour 1992
Campbell Lyndsay Blackness Fairy 1987, Presentee 1988, Presentee 1989, Presentee 1990, Presentee 1992
Campbell Lyndsay Grange Fairy 2001,Flower Girl 2004, Presentee 2005
Campbell Lynne Public Presentee 1988, Flower Girl 1989
Campbell Margaret Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1935
Campbell Marie Public Maid of Honour 1997
Campbell May Borrowstoun Fairy 1936, Flower Girl 1937
Campbell Merle Borrowstoun, Academy Presentee 1952, Flower Girl 1953, Fairy 1958
Campbell Michelle Public Flower Girl 1985, Lady in Waiting 1987
Campbell Morag St Mary’s Flower Girl 1980, Chief Lady in Waiting 1983
Campbell Moray Deanburn Flower Girl 1984
Campbell Patricia St Mary’s Presentee 1956
Campbell Patricia St Mary’s Fairy 1951, Queen of the Fairies 1953
Campbell Peter Blackness Presentee 1997, Presentee 1999
Campbell Robin Deanburn Presentee 2015
Campbell Ruth Kinneil Presentee 1985, Flower Girl 1987
Campbell Scott Grange Presentee 2004
Campbell Sheena Grange Flower Girl 1964
Campbell Thomas Public Presentee 1970
Campbell William Kinneil Presentee 1965
Campbell Wilma Public Lady in Waiting 1977
Cannon Niamh St Mary’s Fairy 2009, Presentee 2011
Cannon Stuart Grange Presentee 1977
Cant Eileen Public Fairy 1950
Cantrell Lisa Deanburn Fairy 1990, Maid of Honour 1994
Cantrell Tanya Deanburn Presentee 1989
Carabine Ryan Kinneil Queen’s Page 2005
Carlaw Helen Public Flower Girl 1935
Carlaw Matthew Grange Lord in Waiting 1929
Carlin Alexina St Mary’s Flower Girl 1937
Carlin Hayley Deanburn Fairy 1994, Flower Girl 1998
Carlin Isobel St Mary’s Fairy 1957, Flower Girl 1961, Lady in Waiting 1963
Carlin John St Mary’s Presentee 1955
Carlin Lizzie St Mary’s Presentee 1927
Carlin Louise St Mary’s Fairy 1985, Presentee 1986, Flower Girl 1988, Presentee 1990
Carlin Margaret St Mary’s Fairy 1920, Lady in Waiting 1924
Carlin Maria St Mary’s Presentee 1975, Fairy 1978, Flower Girl 1981
Carlin Patrick St Mary’s Presentee 1969
Carlin Paul St Mary’s Presentee 1985
Carlin Rachel Deanburn Fairy 2000, Presentee 2002, Lady in Waiting 2004
Carlin Robyn St Mary’s Presentee 2008
Carlin Stacy Deanburn Fairy 1990, Maid of Honour 1994
Carlin Tom St Mary’s Lord in Waiting 1937
Carlin Zoe St Mary’s Fairy 2013, Flower Girl 2015, Presentee 2016, Queen 2018
Carlyle Dick Kinneil Presentee 1923
Carlyle Jean Academy Fairy 1954
Carlyle Jill Deanburn Fairy 1975
Carlyle John Kinneil Queen’s Page 1934
Carlyle Martha Kinneil Fairy 1920
Carlyle Walter Academy Lord in Waiting 1954
Carpenter Ashleigh Grange Flower Girl 2009
Carr Ann Grange Fairy 1949
Carr Annette Public Presentee 1963
Carr Imogen Grange Fairy 2016
Carr Karene Kinneil Flower Girl 1972
Carr Lorraine Kinneil Presentee 1974, Flower Girl 1980
Carr Margaret Kinneil Presentee 1951
Carr Margo Kinneil Maid of Honour 1955
Carr Michael Kinneil Presentee 1982
Carr Stuart Deanburn Presentee 1987
Carr Stuart Grange Presentee 1988
Carr William Carriden Presentee 1934
Carr William Public Presentee 1958
Carrol Helen Bo’ness Infant Presentee 1929
Carroll Amyleigh Kinneil Flower Girl 2015
Carroll Chanelle Kinneil Lady in Waiting 2015
Carroll Edith Public Fairy 1936
Carroll Kathleen St Mary’s Flower Girl 1927
Carroll Mary St Mary’s Flower Girl 1920
Carruthers Alan Blackness Presentee 1966
Carruthers Iain Academy Crown Bearer 1949
Carson Angela Deanburn Flower Girl 1994
Carson Betty Grange Fairy 1955
Carson Margaret Academy Queen 1949, Ex-Queen 1950
Carstairs Debbie Grange Fairy 1991, Flower Girl 1993, Lady in Waiting 1996
Carter Alison Deanburn Fairy 1989, Presentee 1991
Carter Annie Grange Flower Girl 1927
Carver Evelyn Grange Flower Girl 1936
Carver Irene Public Flower Girl 1961, Lady in Waiting 1962
Casey Deborah Kinneil Maid of Honour 1985
Cassettari Jessie St Mary’s Flower Girl 1950
Cassettari Leo St Mary’s Yeoman of the Guard 1953
Cassettari Marie St Mary’s Fairy 1937
Cassidy Carris St Mary’s Flower Girl 2014
Cassidy Edward Kinneil Presentee 1963
Cathcart Mary Kinneil Flower Girl 1923
Catleugh Harry St Mary’s Queen’s Page 2013
Chadwick Jonathan Deanburn Presentee 1978
Chakir Jasmine St Mary’s Fairy 2010, Flower Girl 2013, Presentee 2014, Presentee 2015
Chakir Joshua St Mary’s Presentee 2007, Presentee 2009
Chambers Adam Kinneil Presentee 2012, Yeoman of the Guard 2015
Chambers Ann Academy Fairy 1964, Flower Girl 1965
Chambers Derek Grange Presentee 1985, Crown Bearer 1986
Chambers Elizabeth Grange Flower Girl 1949
Chambers Graham Grange Presentee 1982
Chambers Kaitlyn Kinneil Fairy 2007, Flower Girl 2009, Lady in Waiting 2010, Presentee 2011
Chambers Margaret Academy Fairy 1962
Chambers Mary Academy Fairy 1960
Chambers Thomas Grange Queen’s Page 1976, Queen’s Herald 1981
Champniss Abby Grange Fairy 2012, Flower Girl 2016
Champniss Amy Grange Fairy 2008, Presentee 2010, Flower Girl 2011
Champniss Anne Grange Presentee 1956
Champniss Niamh Grange Fairy 2016
Champniss Yvonne Kinneil Fairy 1982, Presentee 1983, Flower Girl 1985
Chapman Allan Academy Sceptre Bearer 1964
Chapman Blair Deanburn Presenteee 1973
Chapman Gillian Deanburn Presentee 1976, Presentee 1979
Chapman Heather Deanburn Queen 1989, Ex-Queen 1990
Chapman Maddison Grange Fairy 2011, Presentee 2012, Flower Girl 2014, Queen 2016, Ex-Queen 2017
Chapman Morgan Grange Presentee 2005, Fairy 2006, Presentee 2010
Charles Annie Public Flower Girl 1927
Casey Deborah Kinneil Fairy 1982
Cheeseman Laura Grange Presentee 1991, Fairy 1992, Maid of Honour 1996
Cheney Jade St Mary’s Fairy 2004, Presentee 2010
Cherrie Isa Grange Flower Girl 1937
Chesters Melanie Deanburn Presentee 1985
Childs Maureen Academy Fairy 1962
Chisholm Dorothy Public Fairy 1947
Christie Angela Grange Presentee 1976
Christie Brian Public Presentee 1975
Christie Catherine St Mary’s Fairy 1969, Presentee 1971, Flower Girl 1972, Lady in Waiting 1973
Christie David Deanburn Presentee 1999
Christie David Kinneil Presentee 1995
Christie Dean Blackness Presentee 2002, Presentee 2003
Christie Elizabeth Grange Fairy 1978, Lady in Waiting 1981
Christie Fern Deanburn Flower Girl 2013
Christie Graeme St Mary’s Guard of Honour 2014
Christie Helen St Mary’s Fairy 1973, Flower Girl 1975, Maid of Honour 1978
Christie Ian Grange Presentee 1970
Christie Joanne Public Fairy 1978, Presentee 1981
Christie John Carriden Presentee 1925
Christie Joshua Deanburn Presentee 2000
Christie Lauren St Mary’s Fairy 2005, Flower Girl 2007, Presentee 2008
Christie Ronald Grange Presentee 1971
Christie Rose Anne St Mary’s Flower Girl 1968
Christie Samantha Kinneil Flower Girl 1996
Christie Seonaid Grange Flower Girl 1993, Presentee 1995, Maid of Honour 1996
Christie Sinead Deanburn Fairy 2001
Christie Stacy Anne Public Flower Girl 2000, Presentee 2003
Christie Stephen Deanburn Sceptre Bearer 1984
Christie Steven Blackness Presentee 2000, Presentee 2001, Presentee 2002
Christie Suzanne Deanburn Fairy 1994, Presentee 1996
Christie Toni Public Fairy 1996, Presentee 2000
Christopher Allison Kinneil Flower Girl 1983
Chuchla Carlie-Anne Deanburn Presentee 2000
Chuchla Claire Deanburn Fairy 1987, Presentee 1990
Chuchla Kirsty Deanburn Presentee 1988
Chumley Ryan Deanburn Presentee 2006
Church Connie Public Fairy 2015
Clague Lynn Public Flower Girl 1973, Presentee 1974
Clark Agnes Public, Academy Lady in Waiting 1947, Fairy 1948
Clark Amanda Kinneil Presentee 1985
Clark Ava St Mary’s Fairy 2011, Flower Girl 2013, Presentee 2015
Clark Beverley Public Fairy 1994, Presentee 1997
Clark Christian Grange Fairy 1938
Clark Diane Grange, Academy Flower Girl 1965, Flower Girl 1969
Clark Elizabeth Public Presentee 1949
Clark Frank Public Presentee 1984
Clark Jean Bo’ness Infant Flower Girl 1924, Presentee 1925, Flower Girl 1929
Clark Joanne Kinneil Flower Girl 1981
Clark Kirsty Kinneil Flower Girl 2003
Clark Lesley St Mary’s Flower Girl 1969
Clark Lorna St Mary’s Fairy 1972, Presentee 1975, Flower Girl 1976
Clark Margaret Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1935
Clark Margaret Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1946
Clark Marion Public Lady in Waiting 1936
Clark May Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1934
Clark May Kinneil Flower Girl 1934
Clark Mina Carriden Flower Girl 1924
Clark Moira Grange Presentee 1938
Clark Rena Carriden Fairy 1928
Clark Sam Kinneil Presentee 2014
Clark Samantha Public Fairy 1981
Clark Winnie Grange Maid of Honour 1929
Clarke Abby Kinneil Fairy 2009, Presentee 2010
Clarke Amanda Kinneil Presentee 1986
Clarke Dodo Carriden Presentee 1928
Clarke Karen Academy Fairy 1970
Clarkson Ellie St Mary’s Fairy 2015
Clarkson Hannah Public Presentee 2015
Clarkson Liam St Mary’s Presentee 2010, Presentee 2014
Clarkson Logan St Mary’s Presentee 2015
Clarkson Nicole St Mary’s Presentee 2010
Clarkson Samantha St Mary’s Fairy 1996
Clarkson Wendy Public Flower Girl 1989, Presentee 1990
Clason Robert Deanburn Sceptre Bearer 1999
Clayden Joan Academy Fairy 1964
Clelland Agnes Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1937
Clelland Agnes Kinneil Presentee 1934
Clelland Allison St Mary’s Fairy 1971, Flower Girl 1973
Clelland Angela St Mary’s Fairy 1976, Flower Girl 1979
Clelland Ann Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1953
Clelland Brian St Mary’s Presentee 1969
Clelland Catherine Borrowstoun Fairy 1949
Clelland Cheryl Public Fairy 1988, Presentee 1991
Clelland Craig Public Presentee 1989
Clelland David Kinneil Presentee 1989
Clelland Feona Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1952
Clelland Fiona Academy Fairy 1957
Clelland George Kinneil Presentee 1934
Clelland James St Mary’s Sword Bearer 1958
Clelland Joyce Public Flower Girl 1950
Clelland Karen St Mary’s Fairy 1975, Presentee 1978
Clelland Lee Ann Public Fairy 1986, Presentee 1987
Clelland Lynn St Mary’s Presentee 1974, Fairy 1976, Flower Girl 1978
Clelland Margaret Grange Flower Girl 1972
Clelland Margaret St Mary’s Flower Girl 1957, Flower Girl 1958
Clelland Peter Kinneil Presentee 1966
Clelland Rosaline Kinneil Fairy 1983, Presentee 1984
Clelland Theresa St Mary’s Flower Girl 1961, Lady in Waiting 1963
Clelland Willie Kinneil Queen’s Herald 1934
Clemenson Agnes Academy Fairy 1965
Clemenson Jean Public Flower Girl 1961
Clemenson Lauren Kinneil Presentee 2012
Clemenson Mary Academy Flower Girl 1969
Clezy Karl St Mary’s Presentee 1989
Clezy Kristian St Mary’s Presentee 1988, Presentee 1990
Cloake Abbie St Mary’s Fairy 2002, Presentee 2003
Cloake Sharon St Mary’s Flower Girl 1986, Presentee 1987, Maid of Honour 1988
Clover Robert Kinneil Presentee 2000
Clydesdale Grace Grange Fairy 2016
Clydesdale Jean Kinneil Fairy 1973, Presentee 1975
Clydesdale Jenny Public, Academy Chief Lady 1923, Fairy 1924
Clydesdale Karen Kinneil Presentee 1973, Fairy 1974
Clydesdale Wendy Kinneil Flower Girl 1983
Clyne Claire Deanburn Lady in Waiting 1999
Clyne Laura Deanburn Fairy 1991, Flower Girl 1995
Cochrane Aleesha Deanburn Presentee 2012, Flower Girl 2013, Maid of Honour 2014
Cochrane Amy Public Fairy 2002
Cochrane Denise Blackness Fairy 1977
Cochrane Elizabeth Public Maid of Honour 1977
Cochrane Hollie Kinneil Presentee 2013, Presentee 2015
Cochrane Margaret Academy Fairy 1925
Cochrane Robert Public Queen’s Champion 1977
Cochrane Ross Kinneil Presentee 2006
Cochrane Sarah Deanburn Fairy 2006, Flower Girl 2010
Cochrane Thomas Public Presentee 1977
Cochrane Vivian Public Fairy 1980, Presentee 1983
Cockburn Debbie Kinneil Fairy 1995, Presentee 1997
Cockburn Kerry Ann Deanburn Chief Lady in Waiting 1984
Cockburn Linda Public Lady in Waiting 1962
Cockburn Maxine Deanburn Flower Girl 1980
Coleman Bryony Grange Fairy 2000
Coleman Gavin Grange Sceptre Bearer 2001
Colgan Eve St Mary’s Fairy 2005, Flower Girl 2007, Presentee 2008
Collee Ian Academy Yeoman of the Guard 1949
Collie James Public Sceptre Bearer 1923
Collin Sandy Kinneil Presentee 2015
Collins Clare St Mary’s Flower Girl 1980
Collins Evelyn Grange Flower Girl 1959
Collins Joshua St Mary’s Presentee 2016
Collins Kirsty St Mary’s Fairy 1981
Collins Sam Blackness Presentee 2009, Presentee 2010
Combe Leighann Deanburn Presentee 2004, Flower Girl 2006
Condie Jami Deanburn Presentee 1986
Condie Olivia Public Fairy 2015
Connal John Deanburn Presentee 1997
Connelly Carol Kinneil Fairy 1985
Connelly Danielle Deanburn Presentee 1990
Connelly David Kinneil Presentee 1976
Connelly Diane Grange Fairy 1980
Connelly Faye Grange Fairy 1982, Presentee 1985, Chief Lady in Waiting 1986
Connelly Kathleen St Mary’s Maid of Honour 1953, Presentee 1954
Connelly Kyle Kinneil Guard of Honour 2010
Connelly Lewis Grange Presentee 2008, Queen’s Champion 2011
Connelly Lynn Grange Fairy 1977, Presentee 1979
Connelly Margaret St Mary’s Fairy 1949
Connelly Mark St Mary’s Presentee 1946
Connelly Pauline Kinneil Flower Girl 1988
Connelly Rhian Kinneil Fairy 2007, Flower Girl 2010, Presentee 2011, Presentee 2013
Connelly Susan Kinneil Fairy 1981
Connolly Catherine St Mary’s Fairy 1948
Connolly Stephanie Deanburn Lady in Waiting 1994
Connor Cole Blackness Presentee 2015, Presentee 2016
Connor Gordon Deanburn Presentee 1973
Connor Lesley Deanburn Flower Girl 1972
Connor Lynn Deanburn Fairy 1978
Constable Anne Bo’ness Infant Presentee 1928
Constable Ben Grange Presentee 2014
Convoy Eric Kinneil Presentee 1969
Convoy Lorna Kinneil Fairy 1974
Cook Aileen Kinneil, Deanburn x2 Fairy 1968, Presentee 1971, Presentee 1972
Cook Angela Grange, Kinneil Fairy 1973, Presentee 1977
Cook Caroline Deanburn Fairy 2009, Presentee 2011
Cook Diane Grange Fairy 1971
Cook Elizabeth Grange Lady in Waiting 1935
Cook Janet Kinneil Fairy 1948
Cook Jennifer Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1954
Cook Joanne Deanburn Fairy 2009, Presentee 2011, Flower Girl 2013
Cook Kenneth Kinneil Queen’s Page 1980
Cook Margaret Grange Fairy 1920
Cook Maisie Kinneil Maid of Honour 1928
Cook Nancy Kinneil Fairy 1948
Cook Rhiannon Kinneil Fairy 2006, Presentee 2008, Presentee 2009
Cook Robbie Kinneil Presentee 2004, Yeoman of the Guard 2005
Cook Ruth Kinneil Flower Girl 1960
Cooper Hilda Public Flower Girl 1973
Cooper Margaret Bo’ness Infant Presentee 1925
Cooper Pamela Academy Flower Girl 1965
Copeland Bryan Kinneil Queen’s Escort 1995
Cordiner Isobel Public Maid of Honour 1947
Cordiner John Grange Yeoman of the Guard 1986
Cordiner Leslie Grange Presentee 1966
Cordiner Naomi Blackness Fairy 2008, Presentee 2010, Presentee 2011, Flower Girl 2013,
Presentee 2014
Cordiner Sandra Grange Presentee 1969
Cordiner Shona Grange Flower Girl 1968
Cordiner Steven Kinneil Queen’s Escort 1995
Cordiner William Grange Presentee 1961, Presentee 1965
Cormack Allana Deanburn Flower Girl 2009
Cormack Claire Kinneil Fairy 1987
Corner Christopher Public Presentee 2004
Corner George Kinneil Queen’s Herald 1965
Corner Jennifer Public Fairy 1982, Presentee 1986, Chief Lady in Waiting 1987
Corner Lynsey Public Fairy 1986, Presentee 1990
Corner Melissa Kinneil Lady in Waiting 1995
Corner Rae Academy Flower Girl 1963
Corner Rebecca Deanburn Fairy 2007, Flower Girl 2011
Corvi Mari Elena St Mary’s Fairy 1991, Flower Girl 1993, Presentee 1994, Presentee 1996
Corvi Maria St Mary’s Fairy 1953, Flower Girl 1959
Corvi Peter St Mary’s Sword Bearer 1937
Cosgrove Annie St Mary’s Presentee 1948, Presentee 1951
Cosgrove Helen St Mary’s Maid of Honour 1958
Cosgrove Isabella St Mary’s Flower Girl 1966
Cosgrove Margaret Kinneil Flower Girl 1949
Cossar Allan Public Presentee 1963
Cossar Anne Public Flower Girl 1962
Cossar David Public Presentee 1968
Costello Rodger Blackness Presentee 1973, Presentee 1974
Coull Jean Academy Maid of Honour 1949
Coulter Jacqueline Kinneil Fairy 1973, Queen of the Flower Girls 1975
Coulter Myra Kinneil Flower Girl 1961
Couper Ann Public Presentee 1951, Presentee 1952, Fairy 1953, Queen of the Fairies 1957
Couper Ann Public Flower Girl 1970, Presentee 1971
Couper Moira Public Flower Girl 1960
Courtney Colin Public Presentee 1970
Courtney Steven Kinneil Queen’s Page 1990
Couser Amy Deanburn Fairy 1997, Presentee 1999, Flower Girl 2001
Couser Lauren Deanburn Fairy 1998
Cousland Skye Deanburn Flower Girl 2007
Cousland Ellen Deanburn Fairy 2012, Flower Girl 2016
Cowan Aeleana Kinneil Fairy 1987
Cowan Avril Academy Flower Girl 1960
Cowan Isabelle Kinneil Flower Girl 2003, Presentee 2004
Cowan Mary Kinneil Maid of Honour 1934
Cowan Stephen Kinneil Presentee 1986
Coward Anne Blackness Fairy 1967
Coward Sam Blackness Presentee 1964
Cowie Jocelyn Kinneil Flower Girl 2003
Cowie Margaret Kinneil Flower Girl 2006
Cowper Carol Grange Fairy 1980, Presentee 1984
Cowper Colin Grange Presentee 1987
Cox Caitlin Kinneil Fairy 2007, Flower Girl 2009, Lady in Waiting 2010, Presentee 2011
Cox Charles Kinneil Presentee 1964
Cox Gary Deanburn Queen’s Escort 1984
Cox Graeme Kinneil Presentee 1995
Cox Karen Deanburn Flower Girl 1988
Cox Natasha Kinneil Fairy 2013
Cox Phylis Grange Maid of Honour 1961
Cox Tracy Kinneil Presentee 1981, Flower Girl 1985
Craft Masie Bo’ness Infant Presentee 1928
Craft Wendy Deanburn Flower Girl 1976, Flower Girl 1977
Craig Adam Public Presentee 2003
Craig Alexander Kinneil Presentee 1964
Craig Ann Academy Flower Girl 1964
Craig Caroline Deanburn Flower Girl 1988
Craig Catherine Kinneil Fairy 1991
Craig Diane Kinneil Presentee 1971
Craig Douglas Kinneil Presentee 1968
Craig Elizabeth Kinneil Presentee 1961, Flower Girl 1965
Craig Esther Academy Flower Girl 1964
Craig Ewan Public Presentee 2004
Craig Fiona Deanburn Flower Girl 1993
Craig Hannah Deanburn Presentee 2004, Flower Girl 2006
Craig Joan Academy Fairy 1935
Craig John Kinneil Presentee 1956
Craig Katy Public Flower Girl 2002
Craig Leslie Grange Presentee 1975
Craig Lynsey Deanburn Fairy 2005, Presentee 2007, Lady in Waiting 2009
Craig Margaret Public Flower Girl 1961, Lady in Waiting 1962
Craig Rena Carriden Fairy 1934
Craig Wendy Grange Fairy 1979, Presentee 1981
Craigie Catherine Blackness Flower Girl 1953
Craigie Edwin Blackness Presentee 1972, Presentee 1975
Craigie Heather Grange Presentee 1981, Flower Girl 1983
Craigie June Blackness Fairy 1979, Presentee 1981
Craigie Megan Public Fairy 2002, Flower Girl 2005
Craigie Sharon Grange Fairy 1986
Craigie Wallace Blackness Presentee1959
Craik Patsy Blackness Flower Girl 1946
Cranie Christopher St Mary’s Presentee 1983
Cranie Peter St Mary’s Presentee 1980
Crawford Alicia Grange Flower Girl 1962
Crawford Amy Deanburn Flower Girl 2003
Crawford Ann Grange Flower Girl 1953, Maid of Honour 1956
Crawford Bertha Carriden Flower Girl 1927
Crawford Betty Borrowstoun Maid of Honour 1927
Crawford Beverley Ann Blackness Presentee 1976, Flower Girl 1977, Presentee 1978
Crawford Brian Public Presentee 1956
Crawford Colin Blackness Presentee 1972, Presentee 1974
Crawford Elizabeth Grange Fairy 1956
Crawford Elle Deanburn Fairy 2002
Crawford Emma Blackness Presentee 2009, Presentee 2010, Presentee 2011, Presentee 2012, Presentee 2013, Presentee 2014, Presentee 2015
Crawford Ewan Blackness Presentee 2009, Presentee 2011, Presentee 2012
Crawford Irene Carriden Flower Girl 1929
Crawford Irene Grange Fairy 1959
Crawford Isabel Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1925, Maid of Honour 1927
Crawford Isabel Borrowstoun Fairy 1927
Crawford Janet Borrowstoun Fairy 1925
Crawford Janet Kinneil Flower Girl 1965
Crawford Jean Bo’ness Infant Flower Girl 1924
Crawford Jean Grange Flower Girl 1961
Crawford Jessie Borrowstoun Fairy 1929
Crawford Margaret Grange Flower Girl 1938
Crawford Minnie Public Queen of the Fairies 1923
Crawford Nan Borrowstoun Fairy 1925, Flower Girl 1928
Crawford William Borrowstoun Queen’s Herald 1927, Presentee 1928
Cree Helen Grange, Academy Lady in Waiting 1935, Flower Girl 1938
Crighton Jade Grange Lady in Waiting 1996
Crocker Karen Blackness Presentee 1978
Crocker Findlay Blackness Presentee 1976, Presentee 1977, Presentee 1978
Crocker Gregor Blackness Presentee 1993, Presentee 1994
Crocker Hazel Blackness Presentee 1977, Flower Girl 1978
Crofts Ethel Public Flower Girl 1935, Chief Lady in Waiting 1936
Cronk Margaret Academy Fairy 1953
Crooks Chrisley Blackness Presentee 1947
Crooks Thomas Public Queens Champion 1947
Crookston Andrew Public Presentee 2000
Crookston Emma Public Presentee 1992, Flower Girl 1995, Presentee 1998
Crookston Hazel Public Flower Girl 2002
Crosbie Christine Grange Flower Girl 1967
Crosbie Karen Grange Presentee 1967, Presentee 1969
Crosbie Laura Kinneil Lady in Waiting 1990
Crosbie Lorraine Grange Fairy 1961
Crosbie Nicola Kinneil Fairy 1993
Crosbie Stewart Public Yeoman of the Guard 1977
Cross Alison Deanburn Queen 1984, Ex-Queen 1985
Cross Russell Kinneil Presentee 1956
Crosswaite Christine Blackness, Grange Fairy 1973, Presentee 1979
Crosswaite Harry Grange Sceptre Bearer 1946
Crosswaite Mina Academy Fairy 1950
Crosswaite Nan Grange Fairy 1954
Crosswaite William Grange Crown Bearer 1946
Croxford Mathew St Mary’s Presentee 1980
Croxford Stuart St Mary’s Presentee 1982
Croxon Kate Public Fairy 2016
Crozier Ina Grange Fairy 1920
Csicsvakova Nina St Mary’s Flower Girl 2016
Csicsvakova Timea St Mary’s Fairy 2012, Presentee 2016
Culbert Gary St Mary’s Queen’s Page 1993, Presentee 1996, Crown Bearer 1998
Culbert Jean Kinneil, Academy Flower Girl 1947, Flower Girl 1949
Culbert Kirsty Kinneil Flower Girl 1982
Culbert Lauren Public Fairy 1995, Presentee 2000
Culbert Lesley Anne Public Flower Girl 1981, Queen 1982, Ex-Queen 1983
Culbert Mary Kinneil, Academy Flower Girl 1946, Queen of the Fairies 1949
Cullen Amy Blackness Fairy 2001, Presentee 2002, Presentee 2003, Flower Girl 2004, Presentee 2005, Presentee 2006, Presentee 2007
Cullen Brenda St Mary’s Fairy 1965, Flower Girl 1968, Presentee 1971
Cullen Cecilia St Mary’s Flower Girl 1954
Cullen Gavin Public Presentee 1979
Cullen Gillian St Mary’s Fairy 1970, Flower Girl 1972, Presentee 1973
Cullen Louise Public Presentee 1978
Cullen Martin St Mary’s Sword Bearer 1978
Cullen Matthew Blackness Presentee 2004, Presentee 2005, Presentee 2007, Presentee 2008, Presentee 2009
Cullen Peter Public Queen’s Herald 1982
Cullen Rose St Mary’s Fairy 1934, Maid of Honour 1937
Cumming Christina Grange Fairy 1934
Cumming Daniel Public Presentee 2011, Yeoman of the Guard 2012
Cumming Donna Public Flower Girl 1980, Maid of Honour 1982
Cumming Elizabeth Grange Flower Girl 1962
Cumming Isa Carriden Flower Girl 1924
Cumming Lesley Public Flower Girl 1977
Cummings Angela St Mary’s Fairy 1972, Fairy 1975, Flower Girl 1977
Cummings Anne Marie St Mary’s Presentee 1975, Lady in Waiting 1978
Cummings Ben Kinneil Presentee 2010
Cummings Craig St Mary’s Presentee 1988, Presentee 1992
Cummings Jean St Mary’s Flower Girl 1972
Cummings Jennifer St Mary’s Fairy 1977, Flower Girl 1979, Flower Girl 1980
Cummings Josh Kinneil Presentee 2009, Crown Bearer 2010
Cummings Margaret St Mary’s Fairy 1970, Flower Girl 1972, Flower Girl 1974
Cummings Mary St Mary’s Presentee 1968
Cummings Nicole Public Fairy 1996
Cummings Pamela St Mary’s Fairy 1981, Flower Girl 1983, Presentee 1985
Cummings Peter St Mary’s Presentee1959
Cummings Sarah St Mary’s Presentee 1969
Cummings Stephen St Mary’s Presentee 1993, Presentee 1995
Cummings William St Mary’s Presentee 1968
Cunningham Abbie Grange Fairy 2004, Presentee 2006
Cunningham Alan Deanburn Presentee 1979
Cunningham Amber Grange Fairy 2014, Presentee 2016
Cunningham Ann Public Fairy 1964
Cunningham Abbie Grange Presentee 2009
Cunningham Cara Kinneil Fairy 2016
Cunningham Catherine Public, Academy Presentee 1967, Flower Girl 1971
Cunningham David Kinneil Presentee 1955
Cunningham Dianne Kinneil Fairy 1967, Queen of the Flower Girls 1970
Cunningham Elizabeth Kinneil Flower Girl 1953
Cunningham Graham Kinneil Presentee 1964
Cunningham Graham Public Presentee 1967
Cunningham Helen Public Fairy 1954
Cunningham Ian Public Presentee 1965
Cunningham Jack St Mary’s Presentee 2005
Cunningham Jacqueline Deanburn Flower Girl 1987
Cunningham Janet Academy Flower Girl 1957
Cunningham Janette Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1951
Cunningham Jeanie Public Lady in Waiting 1923
Cunningham John Public Lord in Waiting 1947
Cunningham Karen Grange Fairy 1993, Maid of Honour 1996
Cunningham Karyn Deanburn Flower Girl 1980
Cunningham Katie St Mary’s Fairy 2010, Flower Girl 2012, Presentee 2013
Cunningham Leo Deanburn Presentee 1976
Cunningham Linda Deanburn Flower Girl 1981
Cunningham Margaret Kinneil Flower Girl 1946
Cunningham Martha Academy Maid of Honour 1925
Cunningham Martha Academy Flower Girl 1946, Flower Girl 1950
Cunningham Mary St Mary’s Flower Girl 1928
Cunningham Moira Public Presentee 1950
Cunningham Peter Deanburn Queen’s Herald “State Trumpeter” 1984
Cunningham Petra Borrowstoun Flower Girl 1954, Flower Girl 1955
Cunningham Robert Kinneil Presentee 1936
Cunningham Rosemary Grange Fairy 1957
Cunningham Susan Kinneil Flower Girl 1971
Cunningham Walter Public Presentee 1968
Cunningham William Borrowstoun Crown Bearer 1927
Cunningham William Kinneil Presentee 1969
Curran Annie St Mary’s Maid of Honour 1937, Flower Girl 1938
Curran Brian St Mary’s Presentee 1956
Curran James St Mary’s Presentee 1936
Curran Michael St Mary’s Yeoman of the Guard 1937
Curran Stephen St Mary’s Presentee 1970
Currer Aiden Kinneil Presentee 2013
Currie Alana Deanburn Fairy 1993, Flower Girl 1997
Currie Annie EX-Queen 1923
Currie Annie Public Fairy 1935
Currie Ashleigh St Mary’s Maid of Honour 2003
Currie Claire Public Presentee 1985
Currie Darren Public Sword Bearer 1982
Currie David Kinneil Presentee 1969
Currie Deborah Public Flower Girl 1983, Presentee 1985
Currie Eileen St Mary’s Fairy 1956
Currie John Public, Academy Presentee 1954, Lord in Waiting 1964
Currie Lisa Public Fairy 1977
Currie Margaret Kinneil Flower Girl 1965
Currie Paul Deanburn Yeoman of the Guard 1999
Currie Rachel Deanburn Flower Girl 2005
Currie Robert Kinneil Queen’s Champion 1934
Currie Ryan Blackness Presentee 1994, Presentee 1995, Presentee 1996
Currie Steven Deanburn Presentee 1971, Presentee 1972
Cuthbertson Beline St Mary’s Fairy 1983, Presentee 1984, Maid of Honour 1988
Cuthbertson Fiona Grange Flower Girl 1993
Cuthell Agnes Public Flower Girl 1951, Maid of Honour 1952
Cuthell Alistair Grange Presentee 1987
Cuthell Anne Grange Fairy 1968
Cuthell Annie Kinneil Maid of Honour 1920
Cuthell Elizabeth Kinneil Flower Girl 1952
Cuthell Ina Kinneil, Academy Fairy 1954, Fairy 1959
Cuthell Janet Public Fairy 1934, Lady in Waiting 1936
Cuthell Maisie Public Lady in Waiting 1923
Cuthell Margaret Public Presentee 1949
Cuthell Margo Grange Fairy 1971
Cuthell Mary Academy Fairy 1935
Cuthell Michelle Public Fairy 1990, Presentee 1994
Cuthell Nancy Grange Flower Girl 1960, Queen 1961, Ex-Queen 1962
Cuthell Paul Public Presentee 1991, Sword Bearer 1992
Cuthell Sheila Academy Flower Girl 1956
Cuthell Tom Grange Presentee 1946
Cuthill Daniel Kinneil Queen’s Page 1985
Cuthill Katie Kinneil Flower Girl 2016

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