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Queen Aimee & Chairman’s Christmas Messages


Dear Friends of Bo’ness,

As this year’s Fair Queen, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I am now halfway through my reign, and this year has been a relatively quiet affair as we start to get back to our usual ways.  Although I managed the lights switch on and the Salvation Army Christmas Concert in the Town Hall, the gardens at night just brought back what it’s like on The Fair E’en.

There are obviously a great many people I owe a huge debt of appreciation to for making it as best it could be, particularly my parents, family and close friends.

Thank you also to Chairman, Mr Scott McBride and the Fair Committee for all their help leading up to the Fair Day and on the beautiful day itself which had that magical touch of being back and the crowds were awesome.

A special big thank you to everyone at Bo’ness Public Primary School, who made me their Queen Elect and hope to make some more events in 2023 when we will welcome the sun.

The Fair is a heart-warming reminder of the long summer evenings and the enviable community spirit on these cold wintery nights. I hope that everyone is excited in the lead-up to Christmas, as the children of Bo’ness are during the week before the Fair. As a strong community, we will get through this.

So, on that note, I would like to wish the lovely people of Bo’ness and their many absent friends a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

Peace & Goodwill

Queen Aimee


Dear Bonessians wherever you are in the world.

Firstly, it is a great personal honour for me to be elected the Chairman of what undoubtedly is the Best Day of the Year. Looking over the list of past incumbents I have large shoes to fill.

We live in uncertain times, but one thing never changes, the love that the people of Bo’ness have for The Fair. It is a major social highlight for the town and brings individuals and groups together.

An early plus for me is the addition of youth to The Fair Committee. These young people bring with them ideas and innovations that will continue to drive us forward. I’m a great believer in that if you stand still, you go backwards.

There are challenges ahead but with the support of the town, we shall continue to evolve and develop the exciting spectacle that is The Fair Day.

I’d like to send you, your family and your friends all my best wishes for the festive season and for a safe and healthy 2023.

Frank McGarry


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