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AMY LAUDER – “If I Was A Presentee”
Winner of the Helen Ward Birkby Memorial Trophy 2012

I woke up with a spring in my step and ran to my window pane to see the smartly dressed men and women in their kilts and shiny black shoes. I ran to tell my mum but she was already outside. The shimmer from the shinny black shoes from the sun was unbelievable. We came back inside and I ran straight up to my room where my costumes were. Well………. costumes! My costumes were red jeans, a fabulous white top, and a glitzy red top to go over it, plus big bits of bling. Although, I still have another set of clothes to put on top of that. I also have a big 60’s afro wig, 60’s style trousers and a 60’s style waistcoat and top. Something important has just occurred to me! I am going to be boiling hot with all this clothing. Anyway at least I will be able to keep my designer outfits by Jack Wills. I chose this designer because I love Jack Wills and I thought these outfits would look cool and awesome.

I went outside to get my picture taken and I saw my groovy arch. It was a half 1960’s and half 2012 extravaganza. There were groovy 60’s lights, a 2012 I-Pod and a crazy 1960’s disco ball with a huge afro hanging from the top! It was just to cool to believe! I chose this because I thought it would show how times have changed. The photographs looked great but we were running late. I literally jumped into the car but hit my afro on the way in and it fell off. However, I put it back on my head, closed the door and we drove off to school. Luckily we don’t live that far away from the school. I arrived at school just in the nick of time.

As time went on I started to panic a little, but our choreographer Louis Spence calmed us all down and went over the dance one last time with us. I chose Louis Spence as my choreographer because (1) he can really dance, and (2) he is my dance idol. Due to the weather being so nice we had to show our parents the dance outside. However, I am not going to tell you about the dance just yet.

Impatiently I waited for us to leave to go to the town hall. Eventually we left. We all had a giggle along the way. Finally we got there and we got a very uncomfortable black bin bag to sit in (Ouch!). Even though I love the Fair it takes forever to crown the queen but finally it was time for the presentees. Bo’ness Public went first. They were amazing but in my head I thought, “We can do better”, NOW IT WAS US! All the hard work, sweat and tears would finally payoff. I stepped onto the stage and Frank said “St Mary’s doing Boogie to the Beat”. I chose this theme because I thought it would be a good fun idea to do. The music started (“Boogie Wonderland”) and we pranced around the stage twisting and turning with our fantastical outfits on. Suddenly the music stopped we were all pretending to be confused then….. BAM turn it up! The music came blasting on and everyone started to do funky street dancing. Just then I went up to bow to the queen. I chose these songs because I thought it would show how much music has changed. When we had finished, the crowd roared like never before, I bowed to the queen and ran off. All the other schools went on after us, but my opinion WE WERE THE BEST!

We left the town hall and the parade started. The parade is one of the greatest things to do and watch at the Bo’ness fair as t=it brings all the town community together. Everyone was cheering and shouting at us saying St Mary’s were the best, and …… we were. I left so happy and delighted that I could be a part of this fun day (but unfortunately my feet were killing me). Finally the parade was over and we went to Kinneil Primary school for some lunch, it was delicious. I had a cheese sandwich, some juice and a piece of fruit and a packet of crisps.

Once lunch was over we got called to get in a line and walk over with our school to the park where we would dance again. Even though we had already danced at the town hall I still felt nervous about doing it again. The music started as soon as we got on stage. It was marvellous getting to do the dance all over again but the butterflies were still there. We boogied, twisted and turned all over again till finally the music stopped. I took a bow and that was it. …all over. I came off the stage where my mum was waiting for me, she said to me.

“You were brilliant darling, the very best”

Primary 7 St Mary’s School

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